International Journal of Jungian Studies

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  • International Journal of Jungian Studies

International Journal of Jungian Studies

Publisher: Taylor and Francis Group
ISSN: 1940-9052 / 1940-9060


Published in collaboration with the International Association for Jungian Studies. International Journal of Jungian Studies (IJJS) meets an important need in bridging the professional and academic worlds of Jungian Studies. It reflects the interface between the Jungian arena (both academic and professional - clinical) and various relevant academic disciplines. The journal promotes and develops both Jungian and post-Jungian studies and scholarship on an international basis. As a multidisciplinary forum, it is dedicated to the exploration and exchange of views about all aspects of the broader cultural legacy of Jungs work and the history of analytical psychology. The IJJS publishes peer-reviewed, cutting-edge original articles of high academic quality. The journal does not adhere to one school of Jungian thought but embraces a Jungian non-denominational approach and welcomes articles reporting research on: analytical psychology themes from academic, clinical, symbolic, cultural and inter-cultural perspectives; comparative Jungian research in relation to other psychoanalytic and psychotherapeutic themes; the interface between Jungian studies and other academic disciplines.

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