International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research

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  • International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research

International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research

Publisher: John Wiley and Sons
ISSN: 1049-8931 / 1234-988X


An international multidisciplinary journal for the publication of original research of a technical, methological, experimental and clinical nature that contributes to the theory, methodology, practice and evaluation of mental disorders in the widest sense. There is a close working relationship with the European Committee for the Standardisation of Clinical Trials, the International Consortium of Psychiatric Epidemiology and the World Health Organisations Diagnostic Instruments Committee. Psychiatry as an applied multidisciplinary science is subject to continued rapid change with regard to concepts, topics, methodologies and techniques. The International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research seeks to monitor, discuss and to influence those changes by providing a platform for rapid publication of outstanding contributions.

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