Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease

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Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease

Publisher: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins
ISSN: 1089-2591 / 1526-0976


The Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease is the official journal of the American Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology (ASCCP). ASCCP was established in 1964 and is dedicated to promoting education and research in the fields of colposcopy and cervical pathology. The Journal is peer-reviewed, and it publishes (1) original articles in basic science and clinical practice, (2) editorial comment, (3) invited and volunteer commentary, (4) review articles, (5) case reports, (6) correspondence, (7) book reviews, (8) instructional cases with photographs for the Home Study Course, (9) abstracts from relevant meetings, and (10) description of technique/technology. The Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease is the source for the latest science in the field of diagnosis, etiology, and therapy of pathologic conditions of the cervix, vagina, and vulva. Its readers are members of the ASCCP and the International Federation of Cervical Pathology and Colposcopy (IFCPC) and interested individuals from many different disciplines including pathology, cytology, cytogenetics, gynecologic oncology, endocrinology, preventive medicine, basic science, and clinical medicine.

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