Journal of Polymer Research

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  • Journal of Polymer Research

Journal of Polymer Research

Publisher: Springer
ISSN: 1022-9760 / 1572-8935


Asian Pacific Journal devoted to all Aspects of Polymer Science. Journal of Polymer Research provides a forum for the prompt publication of articles concerning the fundamental and applied research of polymers. Its great feature lies in the diversity of content which it encompasses, drawing together results from all aspects of polymer science and technology. As polymer research is rapidly growing around the globe, the aim of this journal is to establish itself as a significant information tool not only for the international polymer researchers in academia but also for those working in industry. The scope of the journal covers a wide range of the highly interdisciplinary field of polymer science and technology, including: polymer synthesis; polymer reactions; polymerization kinetics; polymer physics;morphology; structure-property relationships; polymer analysis and characterization; physical and mechanical properties; electrical and optical properties; polymer processing and rheology; application of polymers; supramolecular science of polymers; polymer composites.

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