Managerial and Decision Economics

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  • Managerial and Decision Economics

Managerial and Decision Economics

Publisher: John Wiley and Sons
ISSN: 0143-6570 / 1099-1468


Managerial and Decision Economics will publish articles applying economic reasoning to managerial decision making. Compared to other journals in economics the focus of this journal is more normative than positive and the viewpoint is focused on managerial efficiency rather than on social welfare. Articles are welcomed from economists and others using economic reasoning in analyzing business problems. The journal will publish articles from all of the functional areas of economics as long as these articles are useful for managerial decision making and from all the functional areas of business so long as the articles use economic reasoning. Some examples: Articles in law and economics may use economic insights to discuss ways in which firms can respond to legal problems. Discussions of regulation or of public choice may highlight ways in which firms can influence or adapt to government regulation. Articles on public finance will emphasize reactions of firms to issues of taxation. Consumer theory may be applied to marketing decisions. Articles may stress ways in which firms can better adapt to labor markets and may provide economic bases for personnel policies. Analyses of industrial organization problems may suggest strategic policies for firms. Economics may be used to analyze accounting issues. Economics may be used to explain the existence and structure of organizations. The journal particularly welcomes articles with an international focus or articles that analyze issues and markets from a non-American perspective. Articles in the journal will serve three related purposes. First and of primary importance is the advancement of knowledge of managerial economics. The second is the dissemination of useful pedagogical ideas. Finally practitioners will also find the journal useful. To further serve these three purposes a special features section entitled Shorter Papers will provide an opportunity for authors to publish brief papers. While the editors will consider articles of any level of sophistication they will not be interested in technique for its own sake. In all cases the idea behind an article will be of more importance than the methods of analysis. The journal will even be willing to publish articles written only in words if the ideas are themselves interesting and important. The editors will attempt to offer rapid turnaround and will try to have responses to domestic authors within two months of the receipt of the submission. Since the journal is published bimonthly publication is also rapid.

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