Mathematical Methods of Statistics

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Mathematical Methods of Statistics

Publisher: Allerton Press Inc
ISSN: 1066-5307 / 1934-8045


MMS is an international journal dedicated to the mathematical foundations of the statistical theory. It provides a forum for research papers in advanced statistical methodology and for studies where such methodology is effectively used or which stimulate its further development. The journal is proudly named after Harald Cramrs famous treatise. The following areas in mathematical statistics are well represented in MMS: Asymptotic theory of estimation and hypotheses testing, Sequential analysis, Optimal stopping times and decisions, Change point problems, Regression analysis and ANOVA, Optimal design of experiments, Multivariate analysis, Curve estimation, Nonparametric and robust inference, Statistics of random processes and fields, Image processing, Sampling schemes. Over fifty years ago Cramrs work put statistical methods on a firm mathematical basis and stimulated theoretical research on statistics to the degree that complaints are frequently heard about overmathematization, and theoretical papers have a hard time finding an outlet for publication. Mathematical Methods of Statistics proudly provides such an outlet.

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