Media War & Conflict

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Media War & Conflict

Publisher: Sage Publications
ISSN: 1750-6352 / 1750-6360


Media, War & Conflict is a major new international, peer-reviewed journal that maps the shifting arena of war, conflict and terrorism in an intensively and extensively mediated age. It explores cultural, political and technological transformations in media-military relations, journalistic practices, and new media, and their impact on policy, publics, and outcomes of warfare. Media, War & Conflict is the first journal to be dedicated to this field. It publishes substantial research articles, shorter pieces, book reviews, letters and commentary, and includes an images section devoted to visual aspects of war and conflict. The journal bridges communications, political science, sociology, history, and other disciplines. It solicits submissions not just from academics but also professionals in journalism, the military and other areas related to this subject matter. The editors are looking for innovative, readable work that raises new issues as well as articles that examine new facets of traditional topics.

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