Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics

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  • Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics

Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics

Publisher: SP Birkhäuser Verlag Basel
ISSN: 1660-5446 / 1660-5454


The Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics (MedJM) is a new publication issued by the Department of Mathematics of the University of Bari. The new journal replaces the Conferenze del Seminario di Matematica dell?Universit di Bari which has been in publication from 1954 until 2003. Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics aims to publish original and high-quality peer-reviewed papers containing significant results across all fields of mathematics. Furthermore it intends to offer mathematicians from the Mediterranean countries a particular opportunity to circulate the results of their researches in a common journal. Through such a new cultural and scientific stimulus the journal aims to contribute to further integration amongst Mediterranean universities, though it is open to contribution from mathematicians across the world.

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