Applied Psychology

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Applied Psychology

Publisher: John Wiley and Sons
ISSN: 0269-994X / 1464-0597


Applied Psychology: An International Review is the official journal of the International Association of Applied Psychology (IAAP) the oldest worldwide association of scholars and practitioners of the discipline of psychology (founded in 1920). You can join IAAP online by completing the IAAP Application Form Applied Psychology: An International Review will be publishing its 50th volume in 2001. It is a forum for scholarly exchange in applied psychology research findings and reviews. It has multinational contributors and covers a diversified range of the most important applied psychology fields. Particularly invited are articles that advance understanding of applied phenomena across different national and cultural contexts that stimulate debate and discussion. Three types of freely submitted articles appear in Applied Psychology : the Journal Article is the most common and it describes important research or provides a comprehensive review of a specified issue; the Lead Article stimulates international scientific discussions by including open peer commentaries; and the International Replication Note provides replications of known phenomena from new cultural contexts that have previously been reported in the literature for other cultural contexts. Special Issues are also published with guest editors and invited contributions with a particular thematic focus.

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