Ocean Science Journal

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Ocean Science Journal

Publisher: Korean Ocean Research and Development Institute and The Korean society of Oceanography
ISSN: 1738-5261 / 2005-7172


Ocean Science Journal (OSJ) is an international journal whose aim is to achieve the advancement and dissemination of information in the field of oceanography. The journal is committed to the publication of original research articles, reviews and notes on all fields of oceanography including physical oceanography, biological oceanography/marine biology, chemical oceanography/marine chemistry, geological oceanography/marine geology, and marine pollution. Ocean Science covers the following fields: ul liphysical oceanography: waves, currents, air-sea interaction, ocean modeling, coastal processes, water masses /li libiological oceanography/marine biology: plankton, benthic organisms, fish, ecology, taxonomy, molecular biology) /li lichemical oceanography/marine chemistry: Trace elements, Isotopes, Nutrients, Organic substances, Gases /li ligeological oceanography/marine geology: geophysics, sedimentology, paleontology, paleogeopraphy, sediment dynamics /li limarine pollution: pollutants analysis and monitoring, fates of contaminants, aquatic toxicology, ecotoxicology /li/ul

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