Optimization and Engineering

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  • Optimization and Engineering

Optimization and Engineering

Publisher: Springer US
ISSN: 1389-4420 / 1573-2924


This journal promotes the application of optimization methods in the engineering sciences. This includes facilitating the development of advanced optimization methods for direct or indirect use in engineering. The journal provides a forum in which engineers obtain information about recent advances of optimization sciences, and researchers in mathematical optimization learn about the needs of engineering sciences and successful applications of optimization methods. It closes the gap between optimization theory and the practice of engineering. Optimization and Engineering presents all optimization methods of relevance to applications in engineering sciences: deterministic and stochastic, continuous, mixed integer and discrete, when they are relevant to applications in engineering sciences. It also highlights successful applications of optimization in various areas and contains a special section for readers without a strong background in the field, which offers material aimed at educating potential users of optimization methodology.

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