Reflective Practice

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Reflective Practice

Publisher: Taylor and Francis Group
ISSN: 1462-3943 / 1470-1103


Reflective Practice is a new refereed journal that welcomes papers from authors from any profession and any part of the world, who have an interest in reflective practice. In general terms it is envisioned that the journal will publish papers which seek to address one or more of the following themes: The different kinds of reflective practice and the purposes it serves Reflection and the generation of knowledge in particular professions The ways reflection is taught and learned most meaningfully The links between reflection and the quality of workplace action Reflective practice will publish original, challenging and stimulating work that explores reflection within and on practice, as an individual and collective activity, that concerns personal knowing and transformation, collective regeneration and political activism, reflection and voice, values negotiated meaning, identity and community. Reflective Practice welcomes papers that address the connections between reflection, knowledge generation, practice and policy. Contributors are encouraged to be creative in their ways of writing. For example Reflective Practice will publish papers up to 6,000 words or equivalent in length. Additionally shorter pieces on recent initiatives, reports of work in progress, proposals for collaborative research, theoretical positions, knowledge reported in poetic, diagrammatic and narrative form illuminated by line drawings and photography, provocative problem and question-posing thought pieces, reflective dialogues and creative reflective conversations will be published. Reflective Practice will not only be characterised by multiple and flexible styles and genres, individual and collaborative writing but also by a reflective response space. It is the journals intention to publish papers, from time to time, and invite short responses about how the paper awakens, in the reader, new understandings sensitivities or possibilities.

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