Review Literature and Arts of the Americas

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  • Review Literature and Arts of the Americas

Review Literature and Arts of the Americas

Publisher: Taylor and Francis Group
ISSN: 0890-5762 / 1743-0666


Founded in 1968, Review is the major forum in the United States for contemporary Latin American, Caribbean, and Canadian writing in English and English translation as well as for coverage of arts in the Americas. Review is published by Taylor and Francis Ltd. in association with the Americas Society, a national, not-for-profit institution that promotes understanding in the United States of the political, economic, and cultural issues that define and challenge the Americas today. Review first brought the work of Latin American writers such as Alejo Carpentier, Gabriel Garca Mrquez, and Mario Vargas Llosa to critical attention in the United States, and they were followed by numerous other important figures. Translators Edith Grossman, Gregory Rabassa, and Margaret Sayers Peden are among those who have contributed to Review. Issues of the magazine are developed from the Americas Societys literature programs, which often focus on specific countries, regions, or on more abstract themes such as urban voices, womens writing, or Latin American/Latino performing arts. Review has regularly included selections of poetry, fiction, and nonfiction; book reviews of newly translated titles; profiles of visual artists; and essays exploring currents in music and the performing arts.

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