Sexual & Relationship Therapy

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Sexual & Relationship Therapy

Publisher: Taylor and Francis Group
ISSN: 1468-1994 / 1468-1749


Sexual and Relationship Therapy is an international refereed journal for everyone professionally concerned with sexual and marital function. Its readers include academics and researchers, clinicians, therapists and counsellors. Sexual and marital difficulties, and their alleviation, are an increasing part of the workload of professionals from many different disciplines, including medicine, psychology, psychotherapy, nursing, counselling and social work. The scope of the journal reflects this diversity of professional interests, and articles will communicate across disciplines without loss of excellence. Sexual and Relationship Therapy combines transmission of clinical experience with a critical stance towards much of the current literature. The results of original research, subject reviews, accounts of therapeutic and counselling practice, case studies, short communications and book reviews all feature in the journal. Sexual and Relationship Therapy is the official journal of the British Association for Sexual and Relationship Therapy . Enquiries should be sent to PO Box 62, Sheffield S10 3TL, UK or to info@basmt. org. uk .

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