Systemic Practice and Action Research

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  • Systemic Practice and Action Research

Systemic Practice and Action Research

Publisher: Springer
ISSN: 1094-429X / 1573-9295


The purpose of Systemic Practice and Action Research at its heart is critical systems thinking and its applications. The journal examines the effects of technological advancement on society including many past technologies that continue to have profound effects today years decades even generations later. Its essential raison detre is coming to grips with the complexities of modern society. Dealing with complexity Editor Robert L. Flood writes is precisely the purpose of systemic practice and action research. With the expanded focus of this journal comes an important innovation in editorial policy mentoring in the review of articles a process whereby referees engage in a dialogue with contributors rather than simply accept or reject submissions. The method seeks to help contributors by giving each the benefit of a second author who provides material writing assistance constructive criticism and insight into any problems with the article. While a forum for all kinds of new thinking about management and systems research Spar also carries on with traditional methods provided that they continue to prove effectual. Contributions include works of original research case studies reflections on experience and short research notes. They utilize all forms of investigation and reasoning deductionism empiricism inductionism and metaphor applicable to systems practice and action research. Editor Flood and his associates are determined to leave behind tired approaches that have failed in the past and strike out toward new frontiers. For more information please visit the http://www. hull. ac. uk/cfss/spar. html SPAR Web page. NOTE: Prior to the 1998 volume-year this journal was titled Systems Practice .

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