Addictive Behaviors

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Addictive Behaviors

Publisher: Elsevier Science
ISSN: 0306-4603


Addictive Behaviors is a professional journal designed to publish original research and theoretical papers in the area of substance abuse. The journal focuses on alcohol and drug abuse, smoking, and problems associated with eating. Articles represent interdisciplinary endeavors with research in such fields as biochemistry, psychology, sociology, psychiatry, neurology, and pharmacology being represented. While theoretical orientations are diverse, the emphasis of the journal is primarily empirical. That is, sound experimental design combined with objective assessment procedures is a requisite for inclusion of papers. Occasionally, uncontrolled clinical demonstrations or case reports appear in brief form if they are innovative and likely to induce further research in the area. A case report, to be acceptable, must embody one or more of the following: (1) a new and original method; (2) an apparently advantageous variation of a previous method; (3) an observation of considerable interest; (4) an unusually clear account of the use of an accepted method. In all instances, baseline and follow-up quantitative data of no less than a six-month duration should be presented. Two major types of research reports are encouraged. The first type includes descriptive studies in which functional relationships between a substance abuse and any one of a combination of social biochemical, cognitive, environmental, attitudinal, emotional, or neurological factors are established. A study in which the relationship between social stress and alcohol consumption were assessed in both alcoholics and social drinkers is included in this category. Descriptive studies which contribute meaningfully to the development and/or modification of clinical treatment strategies are given priority. The second type of study involves clinical outcome data in which treatment or prevention procedures are systematically evaluated by controlled group research or single-case designs. The Second International Conference on Child & Adolescent Mental Health takes place in Kuala Lumpur, 6-10 June 2000. Topics include: Assessment, diagnosis, education and treatment of children and adolescents, Child and adolescent psychopathology/social and emotional development, Cross cultural differences, Mental health issues, Model service delivery programs, Educational practices. For full details see http://www. elsevier. nl/locate/camh2000 Addictions 2000 - Prevention of Substance Use Problems: Directions for the Next Millennium will take place 22-24 September 2000 in Cape Cod, USA. Sessions include: Implications of etiologic research for prevention; Universal to indicated models of prevention; School and community interventions; Prevention - from science to policy.

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