Cognition & Emotion

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Cognition & Emotion

Publisher: Taylor and Francis Group
ISSN: 0269-9931 / 1464-0600


Cognition & Emotion is devoted to the study of emotion, especially of those aspects of emotion that are related to mental processes. The journal aims to bring together work on emotion undertaken by researchers in cognitive, social, clinical, and developmental psychology, neuropsychology, and cognitive science; it also welcomes psychologically oriented submissions from those in philosophy, anthropology, sociology, and other social sciences and humanities. Examples of topics appropriate for the journal include emotional appraisals; effects of mood or emotion on cognition and motivation; the nature of emotional experience; self-regulation of emotion; social, historical, or cultural aspects of emotion; and the nature of particular emotions or emotionality in general. Cognition & Emotion publishes theoretical papers, original research reports, literature reviews, and extended reviews of selected books. Submissions can be considered for expedited publication as brief reports. The journal also publishes critical abstracts of recent books.

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