Commonwealth Law Bulletin

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Commonwealth Law Bulletin

Publisher: Taylor and Francis Group
ISSN: 0305-0718 / 1750-5976


The Commonwealth Law Bulletin aims to educate and inform readers about legal developments throughout the Commonwealth and serves as a forum for the assessment of emerging issues in the law. The Commonwealth Law Bulletin, first published in 1974, is the flagship publication of the Legal and Constitutional Affairs Division (LCAD). A comprehensive periodical of the law and legal affairs, The Bulletin is a refereed journal that provides essential reading for judges, attorneys general, law ministers, law reform agencies, academics and private practitioners and others who must keep abreast of the law and legal developments. The Bulletin also helps foster harmonised approaches to emerging legal issues throughout the Commonwealth. In a legal literature environment that is increasingly geared towards specialist concerns, The Bulletin stands out as a unique publication. Intended to serve as a one-stop reference manual, The Commonwealth Law Bulletin has proved to be indispensable for legal research, particularly in jurisdictions where a wide range of Commonwealth legal journals are unavailable. The Bulletin also fills a gap in many countries whose legal systems are based on common law precedent but lack the necessary jurisprudence on particular topics. The Bulletin plays a central role in LCAD mandate to disseminate legal information on a Commonwealth-wide basis. This function is essential if shared legal traditions and experiences one of the Commonwealth major hallmarks are to be maintained.

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