English Studies in Africa

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English Studies in Africa

Publisher: Taylor and Francis Group
ISSN: 0013-8398 / 1943-8117


Since it was established in 1958, English Studies in Africa has published some of the key interventions in literary studies. Given its origins in the Department of English at the University of the Witwatersrand, its emphasis for many years was thoroughly Leavesite. Looking back over the succession of editions, though, one can trace the challenges to this orthodoxy, first in the name of cultural materialism, and subsequently from a diverse range of theoretical perspectives. The journal has emphasized, as its name attests, the study of world literature in English within African contexts, at the same time as it set about promoting the study of African literature worldwide. Its founding editors clearly wished to establish a conduit between Anglo-American and Southern African literary studies, and this ethos persists, though in a revised form. Despite this commitment to its context, however, English Studies in Africa is unique in its willingness to publish articles on any literary, educational or language topic that the editors adjudge will be of interest to its diverse readership. Its current editorial board is committed to publishing research that is theoretically sophisticated, thoroughly argued and which makes a significant contribution to the field. While articles regarding English-language education and the English language in its various African manifestations are welcomed, contributors should be apprised of the fact that literary studies remain the core concern of the journal. The journal has been published by UNISA Press (South Africa) since 2008 and in collaboration with Taylor and Francis since 2009

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