Ethics in Biology Engineering and Medicine

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Ethics in Biology Engineering and Medicine

Publisher: Begell House Publishing Inc
ISSN: 2151-805X


Ethics in Biology, Engineering and Medicine (EBEM) is an international multidisciplinary publication of original contributions concerning the ethical issues that surround biomedical research and the development of new biomaterials, implants, devices and treatments. This journal publishes peer-reviewed articles on all topics related to ethical concerns and policy related issues as we conduct basic and clinical research to develop life enhancing and life saving technologies on our environment and society. Papers describing the impact of biomedical discoveries and introduction of new biomedical technologies on our environment and society are also welcomed. With contributions from leading clinicians, ethicists, industry leaders, philosophers, researchers and scientists, we aim to provide a forum for improved understanding of the ethical challenges that face us with the rapid progress of biomedical sciences, biomedical engineering and clinical medicine. Ethics in Biology, Engineering and Medicine (EBEM) publishes original articles, reviews, brief reports, case studies, commentaries, book reviews and correspondence. Occasionally special issues will be published addressing specific interest topics (e. g. , clinical trials, animal research and nanobiotechnology). The Ethics in Biology, Engineering and Medicine (EBEM) is the official journal of The Association for Medical Ethics.

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