European Journal of Epidemiology

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  • European Journal of Epidemiology

European Journal of Epidemiology

Publisher: Springer
ISSN: 0393-2990 / 1573-7284


European Journal of Epidemiology, published for the first time in 1985, serves as a forum on the epidemiology of communicable and non-communicable diseases and their control. The results of epidemiologic studies are essential arguments for action in the field of public health policies and efforts are made to bring the journal to the decision makers attention. The journal is also a source of material for those who are actively engaged in teaching epidemiology. The journal covers the different fields of epidemiology, a science which has always been multidisciplinary by nature: contributions are encouraged from the fields of public health planning and control, economy, preventive medicine, clinical trials, vaccinology, psychology, molecular biology, mathematical modelization and computer sciences.

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