European Political Science

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European Political Science

Publisher: Palgrave Publishers Ltd.
ISSN: 1680-4333 / 1682-0983


European Political Science (EPS) is an international journal devoted to publishing contributions by and for the political science community. Its interpretation of political science is wide and encompasses comparative politics, political economy, international relations, public administration, political theory, European studies and related disciplines. It publishes pieces on how the discipline is, can be and ought to be. Articles address research matters (including debates in the discipline, research projects, political science information sources, funding opportunities); professional matters (such as career structures and prospects, external evaluation, higher education reforms, accreditation issues); doctoral training provision and teaching matters; and relations between academia and politicians, policy-makers, journalists and ordinary citizens. EPS also includes more substantive pieces that provide a political science perspective on important current events. In addition to original articles, the journal carries shorter notes, review articles and symposia, progress reports on lively areas of research and profiles of people in the profession.

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